The DeKalb County SWCD has many programs available to help you achieve your conservation goals. Listed below are just a few offerings we can provide assistance towards.
State Cost Share Programs
Partners For Conservation Program
Conservation Practices Cost-Share Program (CPP)
Conservation practices, such as terraces, filter strips and grass waterways, are aimed at reducing soil loss on Illinois cropland to tolerable levels. The Agriculture Department distributes funding for the cost-share program to Illinois' soil and water conservation districts(SWCDs), which prioritize and select projects. Construction costs are divided between the state and landowners.
Eligible Conservation Practices
* some restrictions apply
Stream Bank Stabilization and Restoration Program (SSRP)
Stream bank erosion is a natural wearing away of soil and rock from stream banks. This natural process has been accelerated by activities that increase drainage water flow and water velocity, including stream channelization and straightening, removal of stream side vegetation, and construction of impervious surfaces. Stream bank erosion, a major source of sediment buildup in bodies of water, threatens soil, water, plant and animal resources. It decreases the depth and holding capacity of lakes and reservoirs and reduces stream channel capacity, which increases the likelihood of flooding and additional stream bank erosion. Excessive flooding degrades water quality and damages fish and wildlife habitat.
The stream bank stabilization and restoration program is designed to demonstrate effective, inexpensive vegetative and bio-engineering techniques for limiting stream bank erosion. Program monies fund demonstration projects at suitable locations statewide and provide cost-share assistance to landowners with severely eroding stream banks. The Illinois Department of Agriculture, Illinois' soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (NRCS) serve as partners in implementing the program.
Tax Incentive Filter Strip Program(Public Act 89-606)
Reduced property tax assessments under the state of IL Vegetative Filter Strip Assessment Law. Contact our office for application.
Through the efforts of soil and water conservation districts, legislation was approved and signed into law effective on January 1, 1997, which provides for tax incentives for the development of vegetative filter strips. Vegetative filter strips are a proven conservation practice which can aid in reducing soil erosion, improve water quality, and provide significant habitat for grassland wildlife. Soil and water conservation districts play a primary role in working with local landowners to access this tax incentive. The Vegetative Filter Strip Assessment Law provides for a reduction in the assessed value of cropland certified as meeting the requirements of the law to 1/6th of its productivity index equalized assessed value as cropland.
Illinois Water Well Abandonment Practice (IWWAP)
The purpose of the Illinois Water Well Abandonment Practice is to provide technical and financial assistance to owners of improperly abandoned wells who wish to seal those wells to protect groundwater from potential contamination.
USDA Federal Cost Share Programs
Please contact our office for program details.
Copyright © 2021 DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District - All Rights Reserved.
1350 West Prairie Drive, Sycamore, IL 60178
The DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer.
All programs and services are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap.
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